+38 096 222 26 26

Car straightening and
Painting works

A new generation service station in Kyiv
Precise diagnostics. Certified spare parts

Car straightening and
Painting works

A new generation service station in Kyiv
Precise diagnostics. Certified spare parts
СТО ReadyCar - іконка технічне обслуговування авто


СТО ReadyCar - іконка кузовний ремонт

Body Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка ремонт ходової

Running Gear Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка ремонт двигуна

Engine Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка діагностика авто

Car Diagnostics

СТО ReadyCar - іконка мийка авто

Car Wash

СТО ReadyCar - іконка розвал-сходження

Wheel Alignment

СТО ReadyCar - іконка технічне обслуговування авто


СТО ReadyCar - іконка кузовний ремонт

Body Repair

Running Gear Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка ремонт двигуна

Engine Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка діагностика авто

Car Diagnostics

СТО ReadyCar - іконка мийка авто

Car Wash

СТО ReadyCar - іконка розвал-сходження

Wheel alignment

Full and local vehicle painting in Kyiv

As a rule, serious body repairs are needed for cars that have been in an accident.
In this case, we are talking about the need to restore the car almost completely, aligning the geometry,
processing the surfaces and painting them again.
СТО ReadyCar - рихтування авто


Deformed metal is given a primary shape;

СТО ReadyCar - шпатлювання авто


Thus, not only metal surfaces are finally leveled, but also bumpers;

СТО ReadyCar - затирка й шліфування авто


Using a grinder, the damaged surface is treated to the point where it
becomes one with the rest of the metal or plastic;

СТО ReadyCar - грунтування авто


Metal undergoes anti-corrosion treatment;

СТО ReadyCar - фарбування авто


Painting work with color matching and final sanding.

Full and local vehicle
painting in Kyiv

As a rule, serious body repairs are needed for cars that have been in an accident. In this case, we are talking about the need to restore the car almost completely, aligning the geometry, processing the surfaces and painting them again.


  • СТО ReadyCar - рихтування авто
    Deformed metal is given a primary shape;


  • СТО ReadyCar - шпатлювання авто
    Thus, not only metal surfaces are finally leveled, but also bumpers;


  • СТО ReadyCar - затирка й шліфування авто
    Using a grinder, the damaged surface is treated to the point where it becomes one with the rest of the metal or plastic;


  • СТО ReadyCar - грунтування авто
    Metal undergoes anti-corrosion treatment;


  • СТО ReadyCar - фарбування авто
    Painting work with color matching and final sanding.
Book a Body Repair
Book a Body Repair
Ukraine, 02093, Kyiv, Boryspilska Street, building 26D

Social networks

Schedule of work

Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sun: day off
СТО ReadyCar - логотип
Ukraine, 02093, Kyiv, Boryspilska Street, building 26
Social networks

Schedule of work

Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sun: day off
Ukraine, 02093, Kyiv, Boryspilska Street, building 26
СТО ReadyCar - логотип
Schedule of work
Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sun: day off
Social networks
СТО ReadyCar - іконка фейсбук
СТО ReadyCar - іконка інстаграм