+38 096 222 26 26

Wheel Alignment

A new generation service station in Kyiv
Precise diagnostics. Certified spare parts


СТО нового покоління в Києві

Точна діагностика. Сертифіковані запчастини

СТО ReadyCar - іконка технічне обслуговування авто


СТО ReadyCar - іконка кузовний ремонт

Body Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка ремонт ходової

Running Gear Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка ремонт двигуна

Engine Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка діагностика авто

Car Diagnostics

СТО ReadyCar - іконка мийка авто

Car Wash

СТО ReadyCar - іконка розвал-сходження

Wheel Alignment

СТО ReadyCar - іконка технічне обслуговування авто


СТО ReadyCar - іконка кузовний ремонт

Body Repair

Running Gear Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка ремонт двигуна

Engine Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка діагностика авто

Car Diagnostics

СТО ReadyCar - іконка мийка авто

Car Wash

СТО ReadyCar - іконка розвал-сходження

Wheel alignment

Wheel Alignment

Today, a perfectly tuned wheel alignment in a car is the exception rather than the norm. It is not surprising: during the operation of the car, when switching to seasonal tires, etc., the angle of the wheels changes, and this, in turn, provokes a chain of other problems.
So, unadjusted wheel alignment:
➖ impairs driving;
➖ increases fuel consumption;
➖ accelerates tire wear – if the wheels deviate from the normal position by only 5 mm (0.2”), the tires will become unusable after about a thousand kilometers of car run.
Practice shows that it is necessary to control the alignment every 12-15 thousand kilometers (7.500 – 9.300 miles).
СТО ReadyCar - чесний сервіс Вашого авто. Розвал-сходження

Wheel Alignment

Today, a perfectly tuned wheel alignment in a car is the exception rather than the norm. It is not surprising: during the operation of the car, when switching to seasonal tires, etc., the angle of the wheels changes, and this, in turn, provokes a chain of other problems.

So, unadjusted wheel alignment:

➖ impairs driving;
➖ increases fuel consumption;
➖ accelerates tire wear – if the wheels deviate from the normal position by only 5 mm (0.2”), the tires will become unusable after about a thousand kilometers of car run.
Practice shows that it is necessary to control the alignment every 12-15 thousand kilometers (7.500 – 9.300 miles).
Book a Wheel Alignment
Book a Wheel Alignment
Ukraine, 02093, Kyiv, Boryspilska Street, building 26D

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Schedule of work

Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sun: day off
Ukraine, 02093, Kyiv, Boryspilska Street, building 26
Social networks

Schedule of work

Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sun: day off
Ukraine, 02093, Kyiv, Boryspilska Street, building 26
СТО ReadyCar - логотип
Schedule of work
Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sun: day off
Social networks
СТО ReadyCar - іконка фейсбук
СТО ReadyCar - іконка інстаграм