+38 096 222 26 26

Engine overhaul

A new generation service station in Kyiv
Precise diagnostics. Certified spare parts

Engine overhaul

A new generation service station in Kyiv
Precise diagnostics. Certified spare parts
СТО ReadyCar - іконка технічне обслуговування авто


СТО ReadyCar - іконка кузовний ремонт

Body Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка ремонт ходової

Running Gear Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка ремонт двигуна

Engine Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка діагностика авто

Car Diagnostics

СТО ReadyCar - іконка мийка авто

Car Wash

СТО ReadyCar - іконка розвал-сходження

Wheel Alignment

СТО ReadyCar - іконка технічне обслуговування авто


СТО ReadyCar - іконка кузовний ремонт

Body Repair

Running Gear Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка ремонт двигуна

Engine Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка діагностика авто

Car Diagnostics

СТО ReadyCar - іконка мийка авто

Car Wash

СТО ReadyCar - іконка розвал-сходження

Wheel alignment

Fuel system repair

Malfunctions in the fuel system of the car affect the operation of the engine. Unstable operation of the internal combustion engine at idle or interruptions when traveling in normal mode, inability to start, weak power – all these are clear signs of problems on the part of the fuel assembly. In addition, if the tank and injectors are depressurized, the matter can turn into a fire – regardless of whether the car uses gasoline, gas or diesel fuel.
At the same time, it is almost impossible to diagnose and repair the fuel system on your own, “in the garage”. Too many different details are involved to find the “culprit” “by eye”. For this, specialized tests and professional equipment are used.
There is only one way out – to contact the ReadyCar service station. Experienced car mechanics and locksmiths will carry out a full diagnosis and, if necessary, eliminate problems.
СТО ReadyCar - чесний сервіс Вашого авто. Ремонт двигуна
How will they fix it?
СТО ReadyCar - чесний сервіс Вашого авто. Ремонт двигуна

Exhaust system repair

A characteristic roar from under the bottom of the car pleases only if you are a fan of extreme driving and remember exactly how you tuned your “swallow”. All other situations are mostly associated with the need to repair the exhaust system, and urgent. And it’s not even about excessive decibels: a breakdown of the exhaust pipe can lead to the fact that the combustion products of the fuel will not be discharged outside, but into the cabin.
In addition, adjacent nodes and the integrity of the bottom can easily suffer. Most often, the muffler “breaks” or the exhaust pipe gets holes.
Contributes to the failure of the exhaust system and poor quality fuel and fast driving on rough roads. In winter, reagents, snow and mud add fuel to the fire.
Possible causes of problems:

Fuel system repair

СТО ReadyCar - чесний сервіс Вашого авто. Ремонт двигуна
Malfunctions in the fuel system of the car affect the operation of the engine. Unstable operation of the internal combustion engine at idle or interruptions when traveling in normal mode, inability to start, weak power – all these are clear signs of problems on the part of the fuel assembly. In addition, if the tank and injectors are depressurized, the matter can turn into a fire – regardless of whether the car uses gasoline, gas or diesel fuel.
At the same time, it is almost impossible to diagnose and repair the fuel system on your own, “in the garage”. Too many different details are involved to find the “culprit” “by eye”. For this, specialized tests and professional equipment are used.
There is only one way out – to contact the ReadyCar service station. Experienced car mechanics and locksmiths will carry out a full diagnosis and, if necessary, eliminate problems.

How will they fix it?

Exhaust system repair

A characteristic roar from under the bottom of the car pleases only if you are a fan of extreme driving and remember exactly how you tuned your “swallow”.
All other situations are mostly associated with the need to repair the exhaust system, and urgent. And it’s not even about excessive decibels: a breakdown of the exhaust pipe can lead to the fact that the combustion products of the fuel will not be discharged outside, but into the cabin.
In addition, adjacent nodes and the integrity of the bottom can easily suffer. Most often, the muffler “breaks” or the exhaust pipe gets holes.
Contributes to the failure of the exhaust system and poor quality fuel and fast driving on rough roads. In winter, reagents, snow and mud add fuel to the fire.

Possible causes of problems:

  • Corrosion, wear of muffler supports;
  • Clogged neutralizer;
  • Destruction of the internal structure of the resonator, when scraps of nets create resistance to the flow of gases, thereby ripping out the muffler
Book an Engine Repair
Book an Engine Repair
Ukraine, 02093, Kyiv, Boryspilska Street, building 26D

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Schedule of work

Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sun: day off
Ukraine, 02093, Kyiv, Boryspilska Street, building 26
Social networks

Schedule of work

Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sun: day off
Ukraine, 02093, Kyiv, Boryspilska Street, building 26
СТО ReadyCar - логотип
Schedule of work
Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sun: day off
Social networks
СТО ReadyCar - іконка фейсбук
СТО ReadyCar - іконка інстаграм