+38 096 222 26 26

Running Gear Repair

A new generation service station in Kyiv
Precise diagnostics. Certified spare parts

Running Gear Repair

A new generation service station in Kyiv
Precise diagnostics. Certified spare parts
СТО ReadyCar - іконка технічне обслуговування авто


СТО ReadyCar - іконка кузовний ремонт

Body Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка ремонт ходової

Running Gear Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка ремонт двигуна

Engine Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка діагностика авто

Car Diagnostics

СТО ReadyCar - іконка мийка авто

Car Wash

СТО ReadyCar - іконка розвал-сходження

Wheel Alignment

СТО ReadyCar - іконка технічне обслуговування авто


СТО ReadyCar - іконка кузовний ремонт

Body Repair

Running Gear Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка ремонт двигуна

Engine Repair

СТО ReadyCar - іконка діагностика авто

Car Diagnostics

СТО ReadyCar - іконка мийка авто

Car Wash

СТО ReadyCar - іконка розвал-сходження

Wheel alignment

Running gear repair

A serviceable running gear is the key to a safe and comfortable ride. So don’t neglect this service from professional mechanics. Yes, in theory, you can weld the traction, screw an extra nut somewhere, overboard the rubber and seal the punctures on your own, «in the garage». However, the labor-intensive work of diagnosing undercarriage wear and repairing all nodes that bear the greatest load is on the other side of the scale.
Are the potential problems “saved” on professional maintenance worth the money spent – each car owner decides for himself.
At the ReadyCar service station, we regularly service running systems, “change shoes” for cars of different brands, perform all-season wheel replacement and scheduled balancing every 15,000 km (9,300 miles).

We are also addressed:

СТО ReadyCar - ремонт проколів, порізів покришок

When tires are damaged

Punctures, cuts, etc. We restore the tightness and performance of tires;

СТО ReadyCar - ремонт колісних дисків

For repair and correction of disks

The condition of the roads leaves much to be desired, so if you suddenly "caught" a pothole and bent or broke a disk, we will help.

СТО ReadyCar - іконка ремонт ходової

Running gear diagnostics and repair

Worn-out running gear, problems with shock absorbers and struts, damaged suspension - can at least cost your health!

Running gear repair

A serviceable running gear is the key to a safe and comfortable ride. So don’t neglect this service from professional mechanics.
Yes, in theory, you can weld the traction, screw an extra nut somewhere, overboard the rubber and seal the punctures on your own, «in the garage».
However, the labor-intensive work of diagnosing undercarriage wear and repairing all nodes that bear the greatest load is on the other side of the scale.
Are the potential problems “saved” on professional maintenance worth the money spent – each car owner decides for himself.
At the ReadyCar service station, we regularly service running gears, “change shoes” for cars of different brands, perform all-season wheel replacement and scheduled balancing every 15,000 km (9,300 miles).

We are also addressed:

When tires are damaged

  • СТО ReadyCar - ремонт проколів, порізів покришок
    Punctures, cuts, etc. We restore the tightness and performance of tires;

For repair and correction of disks

  • СТО ReadyCar - ремонт колісних дисків
    The condition of the roads leaves much to be desired, so if you suddenly "caught" a pothole and bent or broke a disk, we will help.

Running gear diagnostics and repair

  • СТО ReadyCar - іконка ремонт ходової
    Worn-out running gear, problems with shock absorbers and struts, damaged suspension - can at least cost your health!
Book a Running Gear Repair
Book a Running Gear Repair
Ukraine, 02093, Kyiv, Boryspilska Street, building 26D

Social networks

Schedule of work

Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sun: day off
СТО ReadyCar - логотип
Ukraine, 02093, Kyiv, Boryspilska Street, building 26
Social networks

Schedule of work

Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sun: day off
Ukraine, 02093, Kyiv, Boryspilska Street, building 26
СТО ReadyCar - логотип
Schedule of work
Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sun: day off
Social networks
СТО ReadyCar - іконка фейсбук
СТО ReadyCar - іконка інстаграм